Wednesday, 07 August 2024 12:34

Augblog 2024

Augblog 2024

Cosmology News - JADES-GS-z14-0. The crises in Cosmology continue to multiply, this object should not exist according to the current conventional theory.

The Big-Bang LCDM model now seems in deep trouble, the post big bang cosmic dark ages it predicted seem to have almost disappeared.

On the other hand, Hypersphere Cosmology predicts that galaxies at all stages of evolution will exist everywhere and everywhen in a non-expanding universe finite but unbounded in space and time, in which no big bang ever occurred.

This is Chaos. – The book. The publishers have all the manuscripts from the 15 contributors. Publication date probably July 2025 with pre-orders possible from this September. Herewith the cover design.

Starship Kargom – For Lughnasadh Eisteddfod I could not resist making this retro-futuristic fantasy creation, the universes first known example of a 3D Druid Starship, crafted from the usual beach detritus and scrap metal fittings, replete with external trilithon warp drives.

Disinformation creates widespread rioting across England and Northern Ireland.

Since at least the millennium successive British Governments and main Political Parties have become increasingly economical with the truth and heavy on failed wishful thinking. They have admitted vast numbers of Legal Immigrants into the UK and have concealed their reasons for doing so.

I do feel sorry for the police who have to field the brickbats and petrol bombs arising from bad political decisions.

Economic growth in developed countries has faltered with little prospect of it ever returning to post WW2 levels. Energy has become expensive, and globalisation has offshored manufacturing and capital to the newly resource hungry developing world. Instead of adapting to this new reality, most UK politicos have tried to maintain an illusion of growth by such myopic mechanisms as the mass importation of foreign labour to depress training and wage costs and to inflate property prices, underfunding public services, and selling off public utilities to under-investors and asset strippers.

In the UK the indigenous unskilled and semi-skilled classes have mainly borne the brunt of these policies in terms of inadequate wages, deteriorating services, poor or unaffordable accommodation, and a breakdown of social cohesion and trust. No wonder shoplifting has become rampant in some areas. A million people of working age now decline to work because the minimum wages on offer barely exceed what moderate efforts at benefit claimancy and maybe some casual interface with the grey and black economies can yield. The skilled and professional classes, property owners, and the elderly wealthy have seen growth in the value of their assets but in a country with a now decadent and stagnant economy. Thus, we become an increasingly deeply divided society.

The British narrowly voted for Brexit largely in the hope of reducing immigration but the politicos decided to interpret this by replacing EU immigrants with whom the British had much common culture, with even more commonwealth and other immigrants with whom they often have far less in common.

The issue of illegal immigrants has become a smokescreen for the legal immigration of more than ten times their number. Britain can perhaps aspire to 300K new house builds per year, but it cannot comfortably accommodate 700K legal immigrants per annum.

One in seven voters at the last general election voted for Reform UK on an explicitly anti-immigration platform, but the peculiarities of our electoral system delivered them only 5 MPs and the Labour party a huge majority. The Labour Party (for whom only a third of the electorate voted) lost about 5 seats to pro-Islamic bloc voters, ostensibly over middle eastern issues.

Branding all the protestors and rioters as Far Right Racists seems doubly disingenuous and foolish. The majority of them have angry concerns about their own prospects and angry concerns about cultures opposed to British values taking over large swathes of towns and cities particularly in the north. Culturalism rather than Racism lies at the root of this. History shows that multi-ethnic societies can work, but multi-cultural societies cannot. If these concerns remain unaddressed and demonised, then things will get worse, and those with legitimate concerns will increasingly adopt the labels slapped upon them.

Britain has absorbed and integrated many small immigrant groups over the centuries. Yet in recent decades it has permitted the immigration of very large numbers determined to maintain authority structures, lifestyles, and moralities opposed to British values. They may resist assimilation for generations.

Genuine fascism begins when the narratives of blood and soil unite. Currently the mainly white middle class UK Green Lobby ignores the ecological effects of immigration and serious overpopulation on this once green and pleasant land, as does the small mainly white working class Far Right. That climate may change, particularly as the climate itself changes. 

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