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I remain unconvinced by the possible sniff of the Higgs at Cern. If they have found that they can make something fleeting which decays into a couple of Z bosons or into top and antitop quarks this would seem to prove no more than that such configurations have a slight stability. It doesn't mean that such things give other particles mass. General Relativity provides a pretty good explanation of the existence of mass already in terms of spacetime curvature. I still think we would do better to geometricate the quanta rather than quantise gravity, it would only require 3D time. I remain prepared to eat the relevant pages of the Apophenion if wrong, and I'll up the bet by adding the relevant pages of the Octavo also.
Herewith my seasonal gift, a recipie for Solstice Cake, it has already undergone field trials at Eisteddfod without casualties.
Mix together 7 oz margarine, 12 oz muscovado light sugar, 3 eggs, 1lb wholemeal self raising flour, 5 fl oz buttermilk, 14 oz of a mix of sultanas, raisins, and currants. Bake for 3.5 hrs at gas mk 1.
Adorn with marzipan symbols of the elements using 3D versions of the tatwas. Paint with vegetable based food colourings. Pierce each quarter repeatedly with a cocktail stick and pour in appropriate liquors to each quarter.
Serve with the red tetrahedron orientated south, (or north in the southern hemisphere, in which case you may have to switch water and air also).
A merry Mithrasmass, Solstice, Saturnalia, Peak-Oil, Eurocrisis, or whatever you celebrate.
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- Hits: 18925
Two groups have always understood the principle that you can only have one government per currency.
The Synarchist faction of the european political class have always sought to forge a non-democratic oilgarchical United Synarchy of Europe for their own advantage, and they have used the single currency to try and force political union in through the back door whilst pretending otherwise.
Euroskeptics have of course understood this as well, and they have fought an uphill battle to expose the Synarchist agenda which devolves from the thinking of Yves saint D'Alveydre who wanted government by a shadowy unelected cabal of 'people who know best' that controlled all aspects of the life of the populace. (see Wizards Against Tyranny paper on this site)
The european union does not exist for the benefit of the european people, it exists for the benefit of a section of the european political class that would prefer to enjoy the delights of self-perpetuating arbitary power without the occasional inconvenience of facing an electorate.
The current financial crisis has come a little too early for comfort for the Synarchists, it has become all too apparent that any nation which trades its political freedom for financial gain will end up loosing both. Neither Greece nor Italy now has a properly elected government, each now has a junta of EU approved eurocrats in charge and years of political slavery and austerity ahead unless they have the guts to default.
The British have for centuries understood that the strength of europe lay in its diversity and for centuries British foreign policy has centered on denying anyone hegemony on the continent, not Phillip of Spain, not Napoleon, not Hitler, and now not Merkozy in cahoots with all those unelected Euro-Mandarins whose names and faces and roles hardly anyone knows.
Finally after some decades of appeasement we (apart from a few illiberal dimocrats) have finally had the guts to say no. This will hurt for a while as the whole corrupt rotten synarchist edifice of the EU crumbles, but a few points off gross domestic product for a while seems a small price to pay for the freedom to run our own country. We probably won't now have to trudge wearily down to Dover with our longbows or muskets yet again, thank goodness.
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- Hits: 19770
Organised Chaos
Imagine that you wished to establish a magical order so that people could come together to practise and explore a new type of magic.
You would need people to take on various administrative and organisational responsibilities.
You would need to establish a system of magical progress and attainment in this new type of magic.
At the beginning you would have insufficient human resources to accomplish this at a stroke so you would have to make a compromise: -
To establish a structure you would have to give out positions that represented both administrative and magical roles and responsibilities, somehow fudged together.
Thus your organisation would begin as a de-facto Oligarchy and the means by which people acquired various grades and responsibilities would remain far from transparent.
Eventually the organisation would require reform as it began to suffer the strains of members becoming disaffected with the obviously fudged grade structure that it needed to get it started.
The required reforms would simply separate administrative from magical positions and give proper definition and credibility to each, thus: -
A) Administrative positions would become subject to periodic democratic election, thus giving them a Proper Mandate. (Even though where electorates remain small and friendly one would expect most elections to pass unopposed).
M) Magical grades would become subject to peer review, with at least some independent review from someone in a distant temple, and grade awards would depend on the completion of an agreed program of work at minimum, plus other work of choice. This would restore to such traditional grade terms as Initiate, Adept, and Magus, a Proper Recognition of Merit and Accomplishment.
Reform always brings some pain and sacrifice and some hard work, but complacency kills eventually.
Any order which does not move onto Phase 2 of organisational structure will remain hamstrung by the Oligarchical fudges used to create it, and suffer from disaffections amongst its members which keep it small and fractious.
Peter J Carroll.
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- Hits: 18650
Heisenberg, Bell, Pusey & Co.
Purveyors of Quality Paradigms to the Discerning Magi.
Thought experiment.
1) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Relationships show, and experiment confirms, that the measurability (and almost certainly the objective existence) of such pairs of qualities as ‘Position & Momentum’, or ‘Energy & Time’, lie in a relationship of inverse proportionality to each other rather than in a simple either-or relationship. Thus more certainty or definiteness in one quality implies less in the other, depending on context or experimental set up.
2) Bell’s Theorem shows, and experiment confirms, that EITHER ‘Local Indefiniteness’, OR ‘Non-Locality’ applies, so either phenomena can exist in indefinite states or entangled phenomena can communicate non-locally, (faster than light).
(It does not rule out the possibility that EITHER Local Hidden Variables OR Non-Local Hidden Variables may exist.)
3) Pusey’s recent Theorem shows, (although we await experimental confirmation), that EITHER Wave Functions Have Physical Reality, OR All Quantum States (including non-entangled ones) Can Communicate, (‘Omnality’)
The physical reality of wave functions contradicts the widely held Copenhagen Interpretation that they consist merely of abstract mathematical formalisms that merely happen to give useful probabilistic descriptions. Communication between even non-entangled states might possibly explain the ubiquity of physical laws in the entire universe, and the so called ‘morphic field’ effect.
4) The application of a Heisenberg style inverse proportionality in place of the ‘either-or’ possibilities of Bell and Pusey yields the following schemata. A further hypothesis of Three Dimensional Reversible Time could reconcile ‘Local Indefiniteness’, Non-Locality, ‘Wave Reality’ and ‘Omnality’, by providing stochastic local and non-local hidden variables.
Local Indefiniteness
Wave Real ************************* Omnality
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- Hits: 20744
Thanks for your messages.
Herewith some further and rather more metaphysical thoughts on the previous paper.
Local Indefiniteness
Wave Real ************************* Omnality
The ‘Bell Axis’ of Local Indefiniteness – Non-Locality formed the theoretical basis of basic Chaos magic theory which adopted a best of both worlds approach and assumed that local events had a degree of inherent randomness about them and that some form of what Einstein disparagingly referred to as ‘spooky action at a distance’ remained possible as well.
However it did contain a weakness, the spooky action at a distance should have remained restricted to phenomena previously entangled by physical contact, thus restricting it to what you might call the Principle of Contagion in classical magical terminology and rendering any magical link dependant on this mechanism subject to quantum decoherence. The adoption of Cramer’s transactional interpretation of entanglement did however permit some exciting developments in the technology of retroactive enchantment.
The adoption of this paradigm on the basis of circumstantial magical evidence, the Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen paradox, and Bell’s resulting theorem even before its experimental confirmation in the Clauser and Aspect experiments now seems justified.
Pusey’s theorem awaits experimental confirmation, yet several lines of positive conjectural evidence seem to converge upon it. Some form of ‘Omnalistic’ communication between all quantum states, whether entangled or not, could supply the constraints necessary to eliminate the embarrassing hypotheses of Multiple Universes and the Multiverse. These arise because we have as yet discovered no mechanism to limit the wave functions of individual quanta and the wave functions of the universe to the single forms of manifestation that we observe. Thus some theorists have assumed that all possible manifestations must actually occur, despite that we cannot observe them. An Omnality mechanism could rid us of the nonsense of 10^500 or more unobservable universes existing in parallel to the one that we observe. It would also eliminate the horizon problem in the unlikely event that we inhabit an expanding universe, for it would impose a bias in favour of local physical laws applying everywhere, as seems apparent at the limits of observation.
The pragmatic magical Principle of Similitude (Like Affects Like) also lends support to the idea of Quantum Omnality, as does its more modern manifestation in Morphic Field theory. However an acceptance of a quantum-omnalistic interpretation of the principle of similitude by magicians would lead to a considerable tightening of the meaning of ‘similar’, LEADING PERHAPS, WHERE POSSIBLE, TO A PREFERENCE FOR MATERIAL MANIPULATIONS RATHER THAN SYMBOLIC OR MENTAL ONES, for simple results magic.
Now the Heisenberg style uncertainties/indeterminacies stem ultimately from the principle of Complementarity, in which the quanta can manifest as either particles or waves and it makes no sense to say that a quanta ‘is’ one or the other, rather the more a quanta manifests in one form the less it manifests in the other, dependent on context or experimental set up. Thus we can view the Pusey Axis of Wave Reality – Omnality as indicative of the effects of quanta in various circumstances.
Much of the excitement in the physics community about Pusey’s theorem currently centers on the idea that it could prove that quantum wave functions have some sort of reality in themselves rather than just some sort of epistemological reality which makes them merely strange mathematical tricks of description that just happen to give useful predictions. Many physicists have adopted this position simply because the apparent alternative of Omnality, non-local communication even between non-entangled states, seems an even more crazy idea.
However a Heisenbergian/Complementarist perspective of an inverse proportionality to the expression of these properties would seem to imply a universe where both forms of such apparent craziness can manifest.
From a magical perspective ‘real’ wave functions would correspond to something that we have given the name Aether (and various other names over the centuries). A realm of shadowy possibilities of what might and what might not occur, and what might have and might not have occurred.
From a physics perspective the ascription of some form of physical reality to wave functions would demand the reality of some sort of realm to accommodate them. Three-Dimensional Time would do nicely, and largely pass unobserved as a kind of pseudo-space of unobservable stochastic hidden variables which we can to some extent model with so called imaginary numbers.
It seems suggestive that the Pauli Spin Matrices (used to model quantum spins) resemble Hamilton’s quaternion algebra. This uses the imaginary numbers i, j, and k as variants on the basic imaginary number ‘i’ used sucessfully for the time dimension in the 4D Minkowski spacetime metric of 3D space and 1D time.
Thus if wave functions have a physical reality then 3 time dimensions of i, j, and k can perhaps accommodate them. These extra dimensions would not require the compactification required to explain the un-observervability of extra spatial dimensions. They would have exactly the same ‘size’ as ‘ordinary’ time. Indeed the phenomena we call ordinary time would merely consist of a remembered or expected line of particle events picked out and lined up by us in the solid matrix of 3D wavefunction time.
The apparent material (particle) universe then appears as an interference pattern that both subtends and coalesces out of a very much larger aetheric (wave) universe.
Thus, if you like mysticism, it constitutes a huge illusion, but the only one we can have.