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Monday, 03 November 2014 21:36

Lugh Featured

Herewith Lugh, one of a series of Celtic Gods associated with my area as the pan-celtic god Lugus and his welsh counterpart Lleu.  

In the recorded Irish myths he appears as the thinking man's superhero - a wright, a smith, a champion, swordsman, a harpist, a hero, a poet and historian, a craftsman and a sorcerer. 

Anything you can do Lugh can do better - as the Prof has quipped.

In this faux first century bronze (rendered in metal and milliput) I've depicted him with a mercurial style magic spear (the Romans equated him with their Mercury) and a slingshot at his belt and a harp for his atributes in the Irish myths. 

Read 14142 times Last modified on Wednesday, 05 November 2014 14:04